Conversions Calculators

Measurement unit converter
Conversion Tables and Instant Measurement Conversion
Everyone asked this question at least once when struggling with some units conversion task. Why isn't there one measurement system that everyone uses? Alas, the World is not perfect and there are lots of measures and units that make people mad in all parts of the world.
There is a good point though. Our measurement converter was especially designed to make conversion of units a whole lot easier. Here you'll find instant conversions for thousands of various units and measurements, both common (e.g. U.S. or metric ) and quite exotic like ancient Greek and Roman.
Try making your conversions and feel the difference. And when you're done, don't forget to bookmark, so when you ever have a units conversion task again, you'll know where to go.
Conversions Calculators
Who created such a mess with various units and measures?
Everyone asked this question at least once when struggling with some units conversion task. Why isn't there one measurement system that everyone uses? Alas, the World is not perfect and there are lots of measures and units that make people mad in all parts of the world.
There is a good point though. Our measurement converter was especially designed to make conversion of units a whole lot easier. Here you'll find instant conversions for thousands of various units and measurements, both common (e.g. U.S. or metric) and quite exotic like ancient Greek and Roman.
Try making your conversions and feel the difference. And when you're done, don't forget to bookmark, so when you ever have a units conversion task again, you'll know where to go.
Don't miss special conversions that can be extremely helpful:
Cooking recipe conversion is unique. It allows you instantly convert recipe values from weight to volume units for over 100 various ingredients.
Weight to Volume conversion gives you the same option for a long list of various substances
Fuel economy section would be interesting for those comparing imported car parameters. There you can easily find out which is better — 10 liters per 100 km or 20 miles per gallon.
Still could not find an answer?
Visit our Units Conversion Forum. Unfortunately, we had to close it for any new posts, but you can still use our archive to find an answer to your question.
Support Measurement Converter by spreading the word about Convert-Me.Com
Our site is an effort of two individuals — my wife and myself, who work on it on our spare time. The easiest and maybe the best way to support Convert-Me.Com is letting your friends know about it. The great way to do it is using the sharing buttons on the top of the page. We really appreciate your support!
How to suggest other units and measurements?
We appreciate your suggestions. Unfortunately, we are not always able to find all conversion factors, especially for exotic units. If you know the conversion table or you can give us a web page where we can get the conversion chart, it would be the best option.
Please post your ideas to our Facebook page. By posting the suggestion you give us your permission to use all the information you provided on our site. Note that we cannot guarantee acceptance of your suggestion, we only promise it will be taken into consideration. We try our best to respond to all messages we receive, however it may take some time.